Thank you for signing your child up for our Dories Sailing Camp 2025!
Plan on arriving between 8:50 and 9:00 am at Sound Sailing Center. Pickup time is at Noon.
What to bring:
• Hat – ideally broad rimmed
• Sunglasses
• Quick Dry Top, bathing suit and shorts
• Swim shoes or crocs
• Water Bottle
• A nut free snack
• Sunscreen – Please apply sunscreen on your child before class
• LifeJacket, such as the Sterns Hydroprene or Gill from Defenders.
• Please bring filled out Registration Form
The Boat Locker in Black Rock, Rex Marine or Norwalk Cove Marina in Norwalk, or West Marine in Norwalk and especially Stamford, and Landfall Navigation in Stamford all carry a good selection. Should be very comfortable.
Please bring completed Registration Form on the first day. It is very important that you note on your Registration Form if your child has any allergies. We will sometimes run a treasure hunt and need to know what is off limits. Please send in nut free snacks only. Please also let the Instructor know of your child’s allaergies.
Download Registration Form here
We normally set up the boats and do some rowing from 9:15 to 9:45, in case you are stuck in traffic. We are underway by 10 am. There is an instructor on every boat. We will generally sail out to one of the islands and explore, observe and identify marine life that we find. Around 11:15 the boats start to sail back and many parents enjoy taking pics from the bulkhead above the dock as your kids sail the boats in.
Remind your child that there is no running in the parking lot or on the dock and that they must be inside the cockpit, with hands and legs inside the boat when near the dock or any other boat; just as they would not stand in front of a car as you tried to park it in a garage.
Please email us if you have any questions, and we look forward to seeing you soon. Let us know if you are interested in adult instruction during this time. Sailing is a great family activity!
*Note: Some GPS systems will direct you to Calf Pasture Beach. Make sure to turn right into Cove Marina before guard shack. Once in the Marina (Miniature Golf will be on your left), drive straight. Make a left at the Ship Store. We are at the end of the parking lot. The speed limit on Calf Pasture Beach Road is 25mph. Be careful.