Author Archives: Martin van Breems
New VAr 37 Arrives at R Dock
New VAr 37 Arrives at R Dock
July 11, 2014
Dear Members and Friends,
The new VAr 37 looks beautiful at R Dock. We welcome everyone to come view her this weekend before we take her out of the water to commission her next week. I will be doing checkouts for VAr members on Sunday afternoon and giving sails to all Big Boat Members who would like to check her out.
Please join us for the First Sound Sailing Center Full Moon Sail tomorrow night. We will be meeting at the docks at 6:30. There is no charge for Members now, since no one wanted to do the Champagne Tasting – we will just meet to get the boats ready to sail.
We are in High Season right now at Sound Sailing Center, happily seeing all of our members sailing the boats, taking advantage of the beautiful weather and the nice winds, so unusual for July. We would ask that everyone please respect the Appointment System and take out the boat that you have signed up for. If there happens to be something wrong with that boat, come to the office and we will work the issue out for you. Please don’t just take another boat that is down at the dock, since it may be reserved for another member.
Happy Sailing!
Martin van Breems
Summer Camp in Full Swing
Dories Camp
We had more smiling faces at our Sailing Camp this morning. The kids had a great time out on the water with our new instructor Kelly Weigold. Kelly ran the Nantucket Community Sailing Camp last year and we are lucky to have her teaching our Summer Camp this year. We still have some spots available in future weeks, we even have a camp the last week of August — after most camps have closed – if you’d like to sign your children up.
Let’s Go Surfing
The trip yesterday was more than a little exciting. We were surfing waves at up to 14 or 15 nm after we rounded Cape May and made extremely good time. Good thing, since we got in 20 minutes before the frontal line and thunderstorms passed over us.
The final passage into Atlantic City was harrowing. With the tide running out and large waves coming in, there were breaking seas, even in the channel and we surfed the entire way in. I did not see the breaking waves until we were committed. The bow was almost submerged at times, as the spray completely covered the boat. I estimate we were doing well over 20 knots. I had the kids below, but still a bit more exciting than desired! The 37 did great.